Flash Eyed Mother Arts

Welcome. This blog will showcase some of the artwork I have created. Past, present and works in progress will be shared with visitors here, in addition to other postings relevant to my work. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for checking it out.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

recent works in progress

I started this large 78"X66" acrylic on canvas piece today. The second piece (third view) is now completed with the exception of needing a finish and updated photos.

Finished the entrance to Studio 10 this week.

Thanks to Jason Ransom and Justin Garcia for their invaluable help this week.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Works in Progress at Hardy. Excuse the trapezoidal shots please.

Studio view.. Had to get some things off of the floor to make space.

Sleeping on a burial.. in progress

This triptych is in progress. This is the first stage of this set...

I haven't decided what this child has behind their back.. work in progress

This painting has been 1,000 things... and it would appear that it is currently a depiction of a wolf- person delivering an alien's baby... in progress.